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Baitcaster or Spinning Reel – Key Differences with Pros & Cons

baitcaster or spinning reel
Written by Immanuel Baranov
Last Update: July 24, 2023

The great game of fishing is an extremely variated sport with many different categories, styles, goals, techniques, preferences, and methods. This, of course, gives rise to the need for many various types of gear, some of which can be hard to differentiate the use of. Reels are an example of this. For a new fisherman, knowing which reel to use in what situation can be difficult to say the least. Many fishermen, new and seasoned, wrestle with the debate of baitcaster or spinning reel. So let’s pick the subject apart and get a clear idea of which is better for what, the differences, the pros and cons, and the preferences attached to each.

Baitcaster or Spinning Reel – the Fundamental Differences

1. Drag

Drag is an important feature on a reel and needs to suit the situation one is in when fishing. Baitcaster reels are not set up with a sensitive drag, whereas spinning reels are tailor-made to be extremely sensitive. So if you are gunning for small light fish and using light tackle, you would need a sensitive drag system found on a spinning reel. Whereas if you are fishing bigger game, a sensitive drag would be an annoying cry-wolf situation where the reel sings for no reason quite frequently.

2. Spool

Baitcaster reels are designed for heavier lines that lend themselves to power over finesse. Spinning reels on the other hand sport lighter line that is more suited for lightweight, finesse orientated fishing. The spool on a quality baitcaster reel is also designed to be stronger and more durable as it is intended for much harder work.

3. Gear Ratio

This is probably the most significant fundamental difference between these two reels that factors into the debate on baitcasting reels vs spinning reels. A spinning reel has a lower gear ratio than that of a baitcaster reel. What this means is for every full turn of the handle, you are reeling in less line on a spinning reel than on a baitcaster reel. The higher gear ratio on a baitcaster thus allows you to pull your line back in much faster. There are instances where this is very necessary and instances where it’s counter-productive. The kind of fishing you are doing will determine whether you need to be reeling in quickly or slowly, and having the right reel for the job is paramount.

Line Style Impact

Line Style Impact - Spinning Reel

The line you use when fishing is obviously extremely important and dependant on what kinds of fish you hope to pull, the weight of your lures, and the conditions in the water you are in. If the fish you want is a heavy one, you are using heavy lures, or the water you are casting into is riddled with obstructive vegetation just waiting to snare your line, you obviously need a heavier line setup.

Baitcasters offer the opportunity to do this, whereas spinning reels are geared toward light lines that fare better in different circumstances. It’s also a well-known fact among seasoned fisherman that spinning reels almost invariably twist up your line at some point. The braided line helps stave this off on a spinning reel to some extent but it’s not foolproof prevention. When deciding where you stand on the debate of baitcast reel vs spinning reel and what line you are going to use, keep the differences between these two reels in mind.

Technique Applications

The technique is very often person-specific. Certain techniques are very obviously more suitable to be done using a specific reel but many can be done on either with enough practice. If you are looking to drop your line vertically from a boat or skip your bait across the water, a spinning reel may compliment these techniques better and may be achieved more easily with one. If your preferred techniques are more power fishing related, you will probably find that a baitcaster reel achieves the execution of these techniques more easily. As I stated though, techniques and which reels they work better with are largely dependent on the fisherman. So when arguing baitcasting or spinning reel with regards to technique, keep in mind it is heavily preference-based.


As I mentioned earlier, casting with a baitcaster takes a lot of practice. For one to cast accurately, reel in properly, and fully utilize all the features of a baitcaster, you have to spend many hours of patient practice. The spinning reel, on the other hand, is far more user-friendly and requires much less practice to correctly use.


Maintenance is more-a-less the same from one reel to another in the sense that one need only take the reel apart, clean it, oil it, and reassemble it. However, a baitcaster is made up of a few more parts and if you’re not focusing when you disassemble it, your reassembly could become a bit of a chore. But if you know what you’re doing, there’s no clear leader on baitcasting vs spinning here, as the maintenance requirements of each hardly differ.


Accuracy - Baitcaster Reel

The debate of baitcaster vs spinning cannot be settled on one point but if it could, accuracy would be that point, and the baitcaster would win hands down. The baitcaster reel is designed very specifically for an exceptional level of accuracy in comparison to any other reel. It takes hours and hours of practice for a fisherman to learn how to take advantage of this feature, but it can be a game-changer accuracy is a factor in your fish count. The accuracy found on a spinning reel is not so horrible that you’ll find your line in a totally different area, but it simply doesn’t come close to a baitcaster in this regard.

Other Factors to Consider

It’s also worth noting that in the debate of Baitcaster or Spinning Reel saltwater edition, a baitcaster holds most of the winning cards due to the fact that saltwater fishing predominantly requires a strong reel and stronger line capabilities.

There’s also the question of Baitcaster or Spinning Reel casting distance. Most fishermen agree that one can get more distance in there cast out of a spinning reel than one could out of a baitcaster reel. The most likely reason for this is the fact that the reel does not spin during cast on a spinning reel, allowing for less tension. One should also consider that the line found on a spinning reel will be lighter, making it easier to cast further.

Baitcaster or Spinning Reel, Pros and Cons

The Baitcaster Reel Pros

The most significant positive aspect of a baitcaster reel is its accuracy. It also boasts the ability for heavier line loads. And its gear ratio allows for much faster reel-ins. It should be noted that the reel is also lighter than a spinning reel.

The Baitcaster Reel Cons

The cons to a baitcaster are varied but the most distinct is the fact that it’s got a much steeper learning curve. It requires more practice to master than other reels. It also tends to wear your line out a bit faster. In addition, it is more prone to jams than other reels. Another drawback is the price tag attached to these reels. They are notably more expensive.

The Spinning Reel Pros

The most obvious pro here is the reels usability. It doesn’t take half as much practice to learn how to use this reel well. It also takes better care of your line, and happens to be a very affordable reel. Another things, it also handles much better with light lines and in finesse-type fishing scenarios.

The Spinning Reel Cons

The biggest con associated with a spinning reel is its comparative lack of accuracy. It also has a smaller gear ratio range, making reel-ins much slower even at the fastest setting. You also cannot put a heavier line on this reel and as such cannot fish larger fish with it.

So, Baitcaster or Spinning Reel, Which One Is for You?

In order to know which types of fishing reel is better for you, you need to be honest with yourself about your level of experience. If it’s little to none, a baitcaster is a non-starter. The spinning reel will bring you far more joy in your early days of fishing with far less learning frustration. It’s better to master the spinning reel to some degree first before moving on to a baitcaster. You also need to take some time and think about the situation you will be fishing in. The conditions, goal, and available gear play a big role in reel choice.

If you need accuracy, power, super-fast reel-ins, or are gunning for some big boys, you will be better off with a baitcaster. If your target fish is light or requires finesse to snag, or if you are simply looking for a no-pressure fun trip where accuracy and reel speed are not factors, a spinning reel will suit you better and offer less headache.

Ultimately, preference, exposure, and situational demand will all play a role in choosing the reel that is best for you. Remember not to overthink it too much. Fishing is, after all, for the pleasure of it all. I hope this has given you a better understanding of the difference between baitcasting and spinning reels and given you the insight you need to make an informed choice. Happy fishing!

About the author

Immanuel Baranov

My life is pretty much defined by my avid outdoor activities. I’m generally obsessed with fishing, skiing and occasional hunting and whitewater paddling. I’ve been active since my early years. I inherited my passion for fishing from my father who made frequent family trips to the banks of Sacramento River. Growing up, I did a lot of fishing in the vicinity. Now that I have two sons, our weekends are full of fishing activities. I would say, you need good spots where you can go out a lot for the thing you love. I had the privilege to grow up near numerous water bodies and I’m proud to say that I made good use of them. It’s also great to do something with kids that helps them learn patience, endurance and preciseness.

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